Ember Rising: The Green Ember Book III

S.D. Smith

Children Ages 8-12

With the death of King Jupiter Smalls and Heather, the Scribe of the Cause, captured by the dread Lord Morbin, the forces of the Mended Wood look to Picket for leadership. But as alliances shift and the lives of rabbits free and enslaved hang in the balance, both the Longtreader children must decide whom to trust and how they will continue to bear the flame.

Question 1 - When Heather tells Uncle Garten that one day she will tell the truth of what has happened in the Wood, he responds by saying, “Who’s to say what is true? All who claim to know it are only seeking power. Which side is right? History will decide in a hundred years.” Is this true? Is it only those who win battles who decide what is true?

Discussion Guide - Discuss how Heather responds by saying, “If you’re on the side that murders, betrays, and enslaves, that might be a sign you are not fighting for good.” Then talk about how goodness is objective, it is outside of us. God has revealed to us what is good in His Word.

Question 2 - Why does Jacks begin to think that the Mended Woods is the “wrong side”?

Discussion Guide - Discuss how this is what Jacks is told over and over again at school. Discuss how when we are consistently in situations where we are told lies, we easily believe them. Then talk about the importance of filling our minds with truth through reading God’s Word and being in Christian community.

Question 3 - Father told Heather that what he most regretted in his life was when he told fear, “You are my master.” Have there been any times when you have done the same thing? What can you do the next time you are tempted to be controlled by fear?

Discussion Guide - Discuss any times you have acted out of fear. Then read Philippians 4:6-8 and discuss what we are commanded to do instead of fearing/being anxious. (pray, give thanks, focus on what is true and good)

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