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Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch
Eileen Spinelli
Children Ages 4-7
Mr. Hatch is a lonely man who keeps to himself. That is, he keeps to himself until he receives a mysterious package with a simple message that changes everything: Somebody loves YOU.
Questions Just for Fun
Who are two or three people you love? Take some time to write a Valentine’s Day card, letting them know you love them.
Questions to Think Critically and Biblically
When Mr. Hatch was alone, he felt sad. Why do we feel sad when we are always alone?
Discussion Guide - Read Genesis 1:26. Talk about how God designed humans in His image. God is one being and three persons (“let us”). This means that God is relational. As His image-bearers, He designed us to be relational. So, it is not in our nature to always be alone.
When Mr. Hatch received the card that says, “Somebody loves YOU,” he completely changed because he realized he was loved. But did anyone love him before he received the card?
Discussion Guide - Read John 3:16 and 1 John 4:8. Talk about how God loved us first, and He loves us more than anyone else ever will. Even if nobody else loved us, God would still love us because He is love.
When Mr. Hatch realized he was loved, he became friendly, kind, and helpful. Once we know that God loves us, how should we respond?
Discussion Guide - Read John 14:15. Talk about how once we turn from our sin and follow Jesus, we demonstrate our love for Him by obeying Him. Discuss what it looks like for you and your child to obey God’s commands (e.g. being kind to others, helping your neighbors, telling the truth, etc.)
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