The Circus Ship

Chris Van Dusen

Children Ages 4-7

Fifteen circus animals set sail with their circus boss, Mr. Paine, only to be shipwrecked off the coast of Maine. They end up on a small island where the residents are unsure if they want the animals there. This playful book, written in rhyme, is one that can help our children begin thinking biblically about creation and animals.

Question Just for Fun

Were you able to find all fifteen animals hiding on the page where Mr. Paine was looking for them? If not, try to find them!

Questions to Think Critically and Biblically

Mr. Paine did not treat his animals very kindly. According to the Bible, how should humans treat animals?
Discussion Guide - Read Genesis 1:27-28. Discuss how God has called humans to care for His creation, which includes animals. Only humans are created in God’s image, so humans should always take precedence over animals, but we are still called to care for them.

In this book, the humans and circus animals live happily together. We know that in our world, it would not be safe for a lion, tiger, bear, gorilla, or other wild animal to live in a house with humans. According to the Bible, why is this?
Discussion Guide - Read Romans 8:19-22. Discuss how all creation is under the curse of sin. This means that animals are wild and may attack humans.

Would it ever be possible for animals to live with people like they do in this book?
Discussion Guide - Read Isaiah 11:6-9. Discuss how when Jesus returns and makes all things new, humans and animals will not be at odds, and it will be possible for humans and animals to live in peace in this way.

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