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The Rise and Fall of Mount Majestic
Jennifer Trafton
Persimmony Smudge lives a boring life on the island in the Middle of Everything, where only her imagination enables her to cope with a lost father and endless mundanity. But when life on the island is threatened by an unknown danger, Persimmony, together with Worvil the Worrier, Theodore the Potter, and one extremely annoying king, will seek to save it– if they aren’t too late.
Question 1 - Persimmony longs to be a hero, but she is stuck with the reality of what other people think about her and the fact that she is extremely normal. What does Scripture say is true of our identity if we are in Christ? How does this reveal the purpose for our lives, even if they feel very normal?
Discussion Guide - Read Genesis 1:26-28 and discuss how God created us in His image and gave us the job of stewarding and ruling over creation. Then read Ephesians 2:1-10 and discuss how even though we are fallen, God has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus and created us to do good works, which He prepared beforehand.
Question 2 - Worvil worries constantly about what might happen in this story. What does the Bible have to say about worrying and how we can deal with our anxieties?
Discussion Guide - Read Matthew 6:25-24 and discuss how we can trust God to supply our needs. Read Philippians 4:4-8 and discuss how we are commanded not to be anxious but instead to pray, give thanks, and focus on what is true and good.
Question 3 - The giant beneath the mountain is a source of awe and beauty for those who encounter it, even though it is also terrifying. This is similar to accounts of people who encountered God in the Bible (Abraham, Moses, Samuel, Isaiah, etc.). Do we have a biblical fear of God, or do we view Him as our buddy?
Discussion Guide - Discuss what it means to fear God - to have a holy reverence, awe, and love for Him. Discuss practical ways that your family can demonstrate a biblical fear of the Lord.
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