What Happens When We Die?

Chris Morphew

Ages 8-12

Death can be a scary topic to talk about, even for Christians. What Happens When We Die? covers a host of questions about death in an age-appropriate manner. It explores what we are told in Scripture, as well as some popular misconceptions about death and the afterlife.

Each chapter is titled with a question about death or eternity. We recommend that you read through this book with your child, stopping after each chapter to discuss the question posed in the chapter title. After you have finished reading through the entire book, you can discuss the following questions.

Question 1 - How is what we learned in this book about heaven similar to or different than what you believed about heaven before we read it?

Discussion Guide - Discuss any beliefs about heaven that were similar and any beliefs that changed. Be sure to discuss the passages of Scripture these beliefs are rooted in so that your child understands they come from Scripture, not just the author’s ideas.

Question 2 - How is what we learned in this book about hell similar to or different than what you believed about hell before we read it?

Discussion Guide - Discuss any beliefs about hell that were similar and any beliefs that changed. Be sure to discuss the passages of Scripture these beliefs are rooted in so that your child understands they come from Scripture, not just the author’s ideas.

Question 3 - How should thinking about eternity affect the way we think about and live life on Earth?

Discussion Guide - Discuss how our suffering here is temporary compared to eternal life with God (2 Corinthians 4:16-18). Discuss with your child whether he or she has turned from their sin and trusted in Christ. Then spend time thanking God for salvation and praying for family and friends who are not yet Christians.

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