October 2024 Book Club Recommendations

October 07, 2024

Our goal in the Foundation Worldview Book Club is to provide resources for you to have meaningful, literature-based worldview discussions with the children God has placed in your care. We work hard to choose books with insightful, truth-based themes. However, we know that our subscribers will have different convictions about the content they allow in their homes, churches, and classrooms. We encourage you to read the recommended books ahead of time, to ensure that the content fits within the framework you have already established in your ministry context. Please also note that by recommending a certain book, Foundation Worldview is not endorsing every work published by a particular author. Some of the links below are affiliate links. This means that, at zero cost to you, Foundation Worldview will earn an affiliate commission if you click through the link and finalize a purchase.

Book for Adults


Gregg Allison

*Please note that the author of this book is Gregg Allison. There is another book with the same title (by Preston Sprinkle) that we do not endorse.

In an age of confusion over gender and sexuality, it is important for Christians to have a biblical understanding of our bodies. Embodied explores a full theological overview of what Scripture says about our bodies and what that means for our everyday lives.

Book for Children Ages 8-12

Ember’s End: The Green Ember Book IV

S.D. Smith

The First Warren has been reclaimed by Picket and his forces, but Morbin still reigns, fighting to regain control over the slave city of Akolan. Heather has rediscovered the presumed-to-be-murdered Prince Smalls after her attempted murder by her uncle, and their survival will determine whether the crown rises or falls. Through it all, betrayal, deception, and hope will bring the Longtreader siblings to the end of all things and to the fate of all rabbitkind.

Question 1 - There were many times in the book when things seemed hopeless, yet the characters still chose to keep going and doing what was right. How might things have turned out differently if they had given in to hopelessness?

Discussion Guide - Discuss how The Mended Wood would not exist if any of the characters had given up hope. Then, discuss how important it is for us to continue being faithful to what God has called us to, even when things are difficult.

Question 2 - Even though her primary gift is healing, Emma leads her people well as Princess. What qualities make Emma a good leader?

Discussion Guide - Discuss how Emma is selfless, always putting the good of her people above her own. She is compassionate, always desiring to be with her suffering people, even when her council encourages her to hide herself. She is brave, never backing down from the battle.

Question 3 - Emma loved Picket, yet he chose to marry Weezie rather than her. How is Emma’s response to this disappointment different from Garten Longtreader’s response to Sween marrying his brother?

Discussion Guide - Discuss how Garten’s disappointment led him to betray his family and his people. He allowed his hurt and anger to blind him to what was true and good. Emma was similarly hurt, but she chose to be grateful for Picket and Weezie and focus on the good work she had been called to do as a healer.

Book for Children Ages 4-7

Toad and the Tough Truth

J.D. Camorlinga

James and Ruth are enjoying a rainy day until they meet a toad who is troubled. Toad heard from his friend that he would go to a bad place if he did too many bad things. James and Ruth ask Toad some questions and then help him understand what the Bible teaches about hell.

Question 1 - What are some of the untrue things Toad, James, and Ruth had been told about hell?

Discussion Guide - Discuss how they had heard that hell was a place of pitchforks, monsters, and lava, though other people told them it would be a more fun party than Heaven. Toad had heard that people go to hell for doing too many bad things.

Question 2 - What truths from the Bible did James and Ruth share with Toad?

Discussion Guide - Discuss how James and Ruth shared that the Bible uses words like fire, worms, forever, darkness, and torment to describe hell. They also shared that people go to hell for doing one bad thing - rejecting God.

Question 3 - What good news did James and Ruth share with Toad?

Discussion Guide - Read Romans 10:9-11. Discuss how the Bible promises that everyone who turns from their sin and trusts in Jesus will be rescued from their sin and spend eternity with God in the New Heaven and New Earth.

Bonus Question - If your child has gone through Foundation Attributes of God Curriculum, ask, “What attributes of God are seen through people spending eternity in the New Heaven and New Earth or in hell?”

Discussion Guide - DIscuss how we see God’s mercy and grace in rescuing His children from their sin. We see His justice is punishing those who have rejected his mercy and grace.

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