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God Made Boys and Girls: Helping Children Understand the Gift of Gender
Marty Machowski
Ages 4-7
Can girls become boys? Can boys become girls? Does what we like or do determine our gender? Join Maya and her classmates as Mr. Ramirez helps them understand the truths God’s Word reveals about the good gift of gender.
Question 1 - What is gender, and who designed it?
Discussion Guide - Discuss how gender is God’s good of being a boy or a girl.
Question 2 - Can humans decide or change what gender we are?
Discussion Guide - Discuss how God chose what gender we are and that gender is in the special code that makes up every part of our bodies. We cannot change that.
Question 3 - Why do we sometimes get confused about gender?
Discussion Guide - Discuss how, because of our sin, we want to go our own way instead of God’s. It is only through repenting of our sin and turning to Jesus that God’s Holy Spirit can empower us to follow God’s good design for us.
Bonus Question - If your child has gone through Foundation Biblical Worldview Curriculum, review the game played in Unit 4, Lesson 2, God made boy image-bearers and girl image-bearers.
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