How Do We Know That Christianity Is Really True?

Chris Morphew

The idea that Christians worship a man who claimed to be God and supposedly rose from the grave can be difficult for middle-grade kids to understand. How Do We Know Christianity Is Really True? investigates difficult questions and answers, highlighting evidence supporting the truth claims of the Christian worldview.

Question 1
Have you ever before thought through any of the questions this book explored?

Discussion Guide - Allow your child time to share his or her thoughts. This will give you insight into questions they may have had that they never vocalized.

Question 2
What information in this book surprised you?

Discussion Guide - If your child does not have an answer, bring up any concepts that stood out to you.

Question 3
What are some of the pieces of evidence that you think point to Christianity being true? Are there any pieces of evidence you are not convinced of?

Discussion Guide - Allow your child to share his or her thoughts. Listen with the goal of truly understanding where they are at, not with the goal of changing their mind if they are skeptical. If they are convinced Christianity is true, take this opportunity to jot down a list of the evidence you both find most convincing. If your child is skeptical, pray that God would soften your child’s heart, help him or her think clearly, and give you wisdom on how to wisely continue this conversation.

Bonus Question
If your child has gone through Foundation Careful Thinking Curriculum, ask, “What are other sources we could consult to continue investigating the evidence?”

Discussion Guide - Discuss the principles for evaluating sources that were taught in Unit 4.

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