Worldwide Webinars

Practical Sessions on Equipping Kids to Think Critically and Biblically

Previously Recorded Webinars

Below are our previously recorded webinars for you to access anytime.

When Our Kids’ Schedules Keep Them from Jesus

As a parent, are you being a good steward of your child’s time, or is your child’s busy schedule dictating the time you have remaining to disciple your child? Join Elizabeth Urbanowicz for a critical discussion on what happens when our kids’ schedules keep them knowing and loving Jesus. Join us live for Q&A time. Register today!

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Instructing Our Kids in Sound Theology

Will your kids grow up with a foundational understanding of doctrines like salvation, the church, God’s created beings, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the nature and works of God? Join Elizabeth Urbanowicz and her special guest, author and professor of Christian Theology, Gregg Allison, as we discuss how to teach young children about these core theological truths.

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Making Sure Our Kids Know God as He Is, Not as They Want Him to Be

It is easy for us to make God in our own image. As our kids mature, will they be following a false god or worshiping the one true God? Join Elizabeth Urbanowicz for this important webinar to help lay this critical foundation in raising up the child God has placed in your care.

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Helping Our Kids Understand the Reliability of the Resurrection

The resurrection of Jesus is foundational to our faith. How can we help children to see the reliability of the resurrection instead of a fanciful tale? Join Elizabeth Urbanowicz with special guest Mike Licona as we explore answers to questions about the reliability of the resurrection.

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Porn-Proofing Our Children with Hillary Morgan Ferrer

Concerned for what your children may be exposed to? Join Elizabeth Urbanowicz with special guest Hillary Morgan Ferrer from Mama Bear Apologetics as they discuss ways to protect your kids from pornography. Get practical tips and wisdom to help your son or daughter grow up in a sexualized world. Be sure to register to receive a recording of this webinar.

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Teaching Our Kids How to Read the Bible

Don’t let the Bible be a big, confusing, and overwhelming book for your children. Join Elizabeth Urbanowicz for an in depth look at how to help your children read the Bible so they can grow to know and love God. With practical steps you can apply in your home, you won’t want to miss this webinar. Plus, participate in a live Q&A with Elizabeth. Register today!

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Using Foundation Comparative Worldview Curriculum with Alisa Childers

Join Elizabeth Urbanowicz as she interviews Alisa Childers as she shares her personal experience using the Foundation Comparative Worldview Curriculum. Gain insight and tips on how others are practically implementing the curriculum in their home. We’ll also have a time of Q&A, so bring your own questions about using the Comparative Worldview curriculum with your own family.

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Exposing Our Children to Worldly Ideas: How Much is Too Much?

How do we best equip our children to grow up and live in this world but not be of it? Join Elizabeth Urbanowicz on Thursday, January 19 at 12 PM CST as she provides insights on gauging how much to expose children to ideas of the world.

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Lessons Learned as a First-Year Homeschooling Mom

Join Elizabeth Urbanowicz as she interviews Melissa Dougherty on her first-year experience being a homeschooling mom and shares all the lessons she has learned during her first year. Get insight into how to make the most of your homeschooling journey.

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Teaching Little Ones Hard Truths in Easy Ways

Join Elizabeth Urbanowicz on Tuesday, October 18 at 1 PM central,as we talk with Picture Book Apologetics author, Danielle Camorlinga, about teaching little ones the hard truths in simple ways they can understand.

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Helping Kids Gain Biblical Clarity in a Secular World

Join Elizabeth Urbanowicz as we talk with Natasha Crain, author of Faithfully Different: Regaining Biblical Clarity in a Secular World.

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Making the Bible More Kid Friendly?

Are you looking for ways to guide the children in your care through the Bible? In this webinar, Elizabeth Urbanowicz provides best practices for engaging kids with God's word and how to avoid depleting the message in our effort to make the Bible accessible to children. Join us live on Thursday, August 25, at 12pm central. Register today!

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