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How to Explain Circumcision in the Bible to Kids
In this episode of the Foundation Worldview Podcast, Elizabeth Urbanowicz answers a listener’s question about explaining the concept of circumcision in scripture to young children. Elizabeth shares practical advice for navigating tough biblical concepts, modeling how to approach topics like circumcision in honest and age-appropriate ways. Discover how to make Scripture meaningful for kids, even at an early age, and how to plant seeds of understanding that will grow over time.
Note: The following is an auto-transcript of the podcast recording.
Hello, friends. Today’s podcast question is a great one: "I’m reading Romans with my kids, ages three to seven, and I’m having a hard time explaining the concept of circumcision and how it comes up in chapters two and four. The symbolism of it is really hard to explain. How can I make it easier for my kids to grasp?"
First of all, I just love that this parent is reading through Romans with their children. Their kids are all under the age of eight! Reading Scripture with our children is one of the wisest investments we can make in their lives. So, thank you for taking that time and for being intentional about laying this foundation. I’m excited to dive into this question with you on today’s Foundation Worldview Podcast, where we seek to answer your questions so that you can equip the children God has placed in your care to carefully evaluate every idea they encounter and understand the truth of the biblical worldview.
Now, as I mentioned, I’m thrilled that this parent is reading through Romans with their children. Some of the concepts in Scripture can be difficult to explain, especially to young kids, and circumcision is one of those topics. If you’re watching on YouTube and have had similar moments where you struggled to explain a concept in Scripture to your children, feel free to share those in the comments. It’s so helpful for us to learn from one another!
Why Reading Scripture with Kids Is Important
One thing I want to stress right away: even if your children don’t understand every concept—or even many of the concepts—you’re reading in Scripture, it’s still incredibly valuable. Let me explain why.
First, by reading Scripture with your kids, you’re helping them become familiar and comfortable with the Bible. Think of it like this: a few weeks ago, I was visiting my sister’s family. My nephew, who’s only 18 months old, was sitting on the couch with a book. He was holding it the correct way and flipping through the pages like he was reading. Now, he wasn’t actually reading, of course, but he’d learned so much about how books work simply because my sister and her husband have been consistent in reading to him. The same is true for Scripture. Even if your kids don’t grasp every concept, they’re learning how to open the Bible, navigate its pages, and engage with God’s Word. That’s a lifelong skill.
Second, when you read Scripture with your children, you’re modeling a love for God’s Word. Kids pick up on what we value. I have a friend who reads the Bible every night with her two boys, who are six and seven. They’ve developed such a love for Scripture that, when their family is assigned to read during church services, the boys request to be the ones who read aloud. That’s the kind of love for Scripture we want to cultivate in our kids.
Finally, reading Scripture with your children helps establish Bible reading as a daily habit. This was something my mom did so well for me and my siblings growing up. Every day, she read the Bible, and because of her example, Bible reading just became a natural part of my life. I grew up thinking, Well, I’m a Christian. This is what Christians do. It wasn’t a struggle for me to develop this habit because it had been modeled consistently in my home. So, if you’re not already reading Scripture daily with your kids, please start. It doesn’t have to be long—maybe just five minutes at the breakfast table or as part of your bedtime routine. But do it daily.
Explaining Difficult Concepts Like Circumcision
Now, let’s get to the question: how do you explain concepts in Scripture that are hard for kids to grasp? I think there are three key things to keep in mind:
- Explain the concept in honest yet simple terms.
- Be okay if your kids don’t fully understand it right now.
- Circle back to the concept as it comes up again later.
Let me model these three steps using the example of circumcision in Romans chapters 2 and 4.
Step 1: Honest Yet Simple Explanations
If I were explaining circumcision to a child under eight, I’d say, “Circumcision is cutting off a piece of skin at the end of a boy’s penis.” That’s it—simple and honest.
Now, I know some parents might be thinking, “Wait, my 5-year-old doesn’t even know what a penis is! How am I supposed to explain this?” That’s why it’s so important to have early conversations with our kids about gender and sexuality. When we’ve laid that groundwork, explaining concepts like circumcision becomes much easier. A friend of mine who started having these talks with her kids when they were four recently told me how grateful she is. She said, “So much of Scripture is hard to understand if you don’t have a basic understanding of gender and sexuality.” She’s right—these foundational conversations are important.
Once I’ve explained what circumcision is, I’d add: “This was a sign God gave the Israelites to show they belonged to Him.” You could even hold up your wedding ring as an analogy and say, “This ring is a sign that I belong to your dad (or mom). In the same way, circumcision was a sign for the Israelites to show they belonged to God.”
Then, to explain Paul’s point in Romans, you might say: “Paul is telling us that in the new covenant, under Jesus, just cutting off a piece of skin isn’t enough to show we belong to God. What shows we belong to God is loving Him and obeying His commands.”
Step 2: Be Okay If They Don’t Get It
If your child responds with a blank stare or just doesn’t seem to get it, that’s okay. They might not be at a developmental stage where they can fully grasp it, and that’s fine. We can allow them to ask questions, or we can move on. Understanding will come with time.
I remember a time when I didn’t understand a concept as a child. I was asking my mom about half-siblings because of a family at church. She explained it to me multiple times, but I just didn’t get it. Years later, it finally clicked. So don’t worry—if your kids don’t understand now, they likely will in time.
Step 3: Circle Back Later
The great thing about Scripture is that it repeats and builds on key concepts. Circumcision will come up again when you read Genesis, Exodus, Galatians, and elsewhere. Each time it comes up, you’ll have the chance to circle back and deepen your kids’ understanding. As they grow, they’ll begin to see how all of Scripture ties together and points to God’s redemptive plan.
If your kids are over eight, I highly recommend our Studying the Bible curriculum at Foundation Worldview. It equips kids with the skills they need to read, interpret, and apply Scripture soundly. It’s a big investment of time, but it’s one of the best gifts you can give your children.
Well, that’s a wrap for today’s episode. I hope this discussion helped you think through how to explain difficult concepts in Scripture to your children. If you have a question you’d like me to answer, you can submit it at As always, my prayer is that no matter the situation you and the children in your care find yourselves in, you would trust that God is working all things together for your good to conform you more into the image of His Son. See you next time!
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