Foundation Insights Blog

Our Insights Help with Tough Decisions and Conversations

Equipping parents and teachers with Christ-like answers for challenging questions. Looking for a specific topic? Click the drop-down box to explore more blogs.

Finding Truth in Fiction

In this episode, Elizabeth answers the question of how can kids find biblical truth in fictional stories. She provides thoughtful insight and examples to help parents guide their children in finding these truths.

Sexuality and God's Good Design

In this episode, Elizabeth Urbanowicz answers the question, "how would you explain to kids that homosexuality and transgenderism are not what God designed? It is so counter-cultural and our kids are going to be labeled haters as time goes on if they have a biblical worldview."

Loving Others While Speaking Truth: Tips for Christian Parents

How do we train our kids to speak truth in love, without making someone feel bad? It's a question that many parents struggle with. Elizabeth Urbanowicz provides some helpful tips and strategies.

Making Scipture A Priority With Your Children

Elizabeth Urbanowicz shares examples of how her parents modeled scripture being the utmost importance while growing up.

When To Have The Sex Talk?

How should you have the sex talk with your son or daughter? Do you talk to them individually or as a group? This episodes takes a look at the goals behind the sex talk and provides tips to have this conversation with your child. We also include information on resources that are available to help parents talk to their kids about sex.

October 2022 Book Club Recommendations

Foundation Book Club's recommended books and discussion questions for October 2022.

Stewarding Your Family's Time Better

Join Elizabeth Urbanowicz as we consider today's question, "how do we as parents navigates sports, hobbies, etc, to steward our family's time better?"

How to Correct My Child's Attitude

Do your children get annoyed when you bring up the things of God? In this week's episode, Elizabeth Urbanowicz talks about how we can appropriately engage and correct our children's attitudes without feeling overbearing.

Teaching Kids to Serve Others

"What are some good ideas to serve with my kids whose ages are 9, 6, and 5?" Listen as Elizabeth Urbanowicz talks about what service is and the importance of having a right biblical view of service. Plus, practical ideas on how to teach your kids to serve others.

How To Do Family Devotions

Elizabeth Urbanowicz shares her experience growing up with family devotions and provides ideas on how to start and lead family devotions.

What the Bible Says About Modesty and How to Live It

How do we encourage our girls to be modest and view themselves as worthy in a world where provocativeness and sexuality are expected and encouraged?

Gender Identity Q&As for Christian Parents

When should we start talking to our kids about gender identity? Other tough and practical questions answered by Elizabeth Urbanowicz and Christopher Yuan.

Biblical Hospitality Tips for Introverts & Perfectionists

In this episode, Elizabeth Urbanowicz share tips for introverted people who struggle with opening their home to biblical hospitality. We also address how to get over needing everything to be perfect when having people over to your home.

Raising Kids with an Unbelieving Spouse

How do you faithfully disciple your child in a home where one spouse is not a Christian? Listen as Elizabeth Urbanowicz addresses this question and provides tips and insights on how a parent can best raise their kids and reflect God's plan for marriage.

Facing the Claim of Intolerance

In this episode, Elizabeth Urbanowicz answers the question, "In our culture, Christians are automatically categorized as 'intolerant.' How do I equip my kids to face this claim?"

September 2022 Book Club Recommendations

Foundation Book Club's recommended books and discussion questions for September 2022.

Which Bible Version is Easier for Kids to Understand?

Figuring out the best Bible translation for kids is an important question to consider. But is it best to use children’s bibles, picture books, etc?

August 2022 Book Club Recommendations

Foundation Book Club's recommended books and discussion questions for August 2022.