Foundation Insights Blog

Our Insights Help with Tough Decisions and Conversations

Equipping parents and teachers with Christ-like answers for challenging questions. Looking for a specific topic? Click the drop-down box to explore more blogs.

Memorizing Scripture: Tips for Memorizing Longer Passages

Elizabeth Urbanowicz dives deep into the world of Scripture memorization and equips listeners to instill a love for God's Word in the hearts of their children.

How To Explain Divorce to a Child?

How do we explain divorce to our children from a biblical perspective? Join host Elizabeth Urbanowicz as she tackles this tough topic and provides practical guidance for parents navigating divorce or separation.

January 2024 Book Club Recommendations

Foundation Book Club's recommended books and discussion questions for January 2024.

Kids Playing in the Neighborhood?

In this episode, we tackle the question of how to navigate relationships with neighborhood children while maintaining a biblical worldview. We discuss the importance of discipleship, setting boundaries, and preparing our children to be a faithful gospel witness in their community. Tune in for practical insights and overarching principles to guide you in this important aspect of parenting.

Parenting Regrets and Redemption

Today's question says, "...I feel there are so many things I should have done when my kids were younger that I didn't realize. Is there anything specific or any encouragement you can give to parents who feel the train has passed and there's not much we can do with our teen slash young adult spiritual lives?" Listen as Elizabeth Urbanowicz offers encouragement and advice for parents who feel they missed opportunities when their children were younger.

How to Teach Our Kids to be Discerning

Today's question says, "How can I explain to my children how to discern what is of the Lord? Particularly if the negative aspects of certain things are not clear. Satan cleverly hides in cute, fun and attractive things that don't seem like they go against God at all."

Popping the Bubble: Preparing Kids for the Secular World

Today's question says, "I have three kids, ages five, seven, and one. My husband and I feel strongly that we want our children to have a Christian education, private school, or homeschooling. However, I don't want the real world to hit them like a ton of bricks when they graduate high school and leave the Christian school bubble. You have given some great ideas on other podcasts about analyzing movies, shows, and music from a biblical worldview, but I was curious if you had any other age-appropriate practical ways to expose our children to the secular world as they grow without destroying their innocence?"

Addressing Deliberate Disobedience in Children

Today's question says, "How can I teach my daughter better self-control? She loves God, reads her Bible, and prays, but often if I tell her to do or not to do something, she'll think it through knowing right and wrong and willingly choose to disobey because as she puts it, I wanted to."

Engaging with Harry Potter: Questions for Christian Parents

In this episode of the Foundation Worldview Podcast, host Elizabeth Urbanowicz tackles the controversial topic of the Harry Potter series. She explores the genre, the blurred lines between good and evil, and the importance of quality literature. Whether you're a fan or have reservations, Elizabeth offers valuable insights and guidance on how to approach this cultural phenomenon with children. Tune in for a thoughtful discussion on the Harry Potter series and its impact on young minds.

Did God Force Jesus to Die on the Cross?

In this episode of the Foundation Worldview Podcast, host Elizabeth Urbanowicz tackles the question of whether God forced Jesus to die on the cross. She shares how to approach this question with children and emphasizes the importance of affirming their curiosity and directing them to Scripture for answers. This episode provides practical guidance for parents and caregivers on how to navigate theological questions with children.

Improving Sibling Relationships

Today's question says, "How do I encourage strong sibling relationships? My daughter communicated that she has bitterness toward her brother, and he as a result has now started to respond in kind to her negative response to him. How can I help her to forgive him and see the good in him? What builds strong relationships?"

December 2023 Book Club Recommendations

Foundation Book Club's recommended books and discussion questions for December 2023.

Are the Lessons from Superbook Biblical?

Are the lessons from the kids' show Superbook biblical? In this episode, Elizabeth Urbanowicz reviews the popular children's cartoon series, Superbook, which is watched in many homes and even in churches. Learn how to critically evaluate the show as Elizabeth breaks down an episode of Superbook, looking for the good and the error in the lesson that is presented to children.

Screen Time and Dopamine: Is Anything Safe?

Today's question says, "In one of your other podcasts, you said something about screen time and the use of dopamine and the impact on children. I agree and understand your arguments, but are there any videos you can recommend that are okay for our kids?"

Preparing Kids on How to Deal with a Bully

Today's question says, "Our daughter, in seventh grade, is going to public school for the first time. Aside from the idea that 'hurting people, hurt people', how do we teach her to handle being bullied? She's a sensitive child and we remind her of her value and beauty in God's eyes. I just want to be ahead of this type of situation."

Finding Time for Scripture: Navigating the Busy Season of Parenting

In this episode of the Foundation Worldview Podcast, host Elizabeth Urbanowicz addresses the question of how to find time to read Scripture when you have multiple young children. She emphasizes the importance of recognizing that this season of parenting is different and requires different expectations, but cautions against using it as an excuse to neglect time in God's word.

Correcting Errors and Explaining Complex Concepts to Children

Today's question says, "I previously had the false belief that we were spirits in heaven before being conceived. I have been telling my three-year-old this whenever he asked where he was when I was a little girl. How do I correct my error with my son? How do I explain non-existence to a toddler?"

Engaging with Different Worldviews

In this episode, Elizabeth Urbanowicz responds to comments from a previous episode on talking to children about dinosaurs. She addresses the pushback received from those with different worldviews. Elizabeth then models how to ask good questions when encountering false claims that go against Christianity.