Foundation Insights Blog

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Equipping parents and teachers with Christ-like answers for challenging questions. Looking for a specific topic? Click the drop-down box to explore more blogs.

Developing a Worldview that Accepts the Supernatural

How do we develop in our children a Worldview that accepts the supernatural? We live in a world that often discounts anything that cannot be proven through the scientific method. In this episode, Elizabeth Urbanowicz explores what what we mean by supernatural and offers practical ways to help our children to have an understanding of the supernatural within a biblical worldview.

Sexuality in the Public School

This episode's question says, "my daughter's math homework included word problem examples with gay couples. How do we lovingly confront this undermining ideology while keeping the other students in the class in mind? Do we tell our children not to mention these things in front of other students?"

How to Discuss Unbiblical Concepts with Your Kids

Are you seeking to slowly transition from sheltering your children to equipping them with the biblical understanding needed to navigate this world? In this episode, Elizabeth Urbanowicz explores how parents can have meaningful conversations with their kids around unbiblical concepts or ideas. As children grow older, it's important to initiate conversations, equip them to evaluate every idea they encounter, and engage in healthy dialogue about difficult topics from a Christian worldview.

Discipline Your Child Without Spanking?

Is it okay to discipline children without spanking? To answer this question, Elizabeth Urbanowicz explores the goals in disciplining our children according to what we find in scripture and then discusses the positives and negatives of spanking itself. Plus, she'll talk about why it's important to consider alternate methods of discipline and the individual personality of your child when trying to accomplish the goal of discipline.

Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy, and the Truth

If we are teaching our children about objective truth, evaluating claims and understanding that the biblical worldview is true, is it harmful or antithetical if we're encouraging belief in Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy?

Teaching Kids to Pray

How do we teach kids to pray? In this episode, Elizabeth Urbanowicz answers a question received from a grandparent on teaching their 2 year old how to pray. If you're a parent or grandparent with children 2 years old on up, you won't want to miss this episode.

Children's Ministry: From Entertainment to Biblical Teaching

Does the children's ministry at your church feel superficial and entertainment-based? If you want to make a change, then this episode is for you! Join Elizabeth Urbanowicz as she explores how to transform your church's Sunday school program by incorporating sound biblical teaching.

Finding the Right Words to Label False Ideas

Ever hear a false claim but struggle to come up with a way to articulate why it's false? In this episode, Elizabeth Urbanowicz demonstrates how to identify false ideas and how to practice finding the right words to communicate why the idea is false.

When Should Kids Start Reading the Bible Independently?

At what age should kids begin learning to read the Bible independently? In this episode, Elizabeth Urbanowicz looks at how and when to start kids on their way to read the Bible on their own with practical tips you can use today.

Bible Translations to Avoid

What Bible translations should we avoid? In this episode, Elizabeth Urbanowicz looks at translations that we may want to consider avoiding, especially when reading with our children. Listen as she shares tips and insights into translations and why certain translations should be avoided.

My Kid Doesn't Hear or Experience God

Is your child struggling because no matter how much they believe, they are having a hard time hearing or experiencing God? In this episode, Elizabeth Urbanowicz explores how to guide children in their expectations for experiences with God and looks to the Bible and how God speaks to us.

Parenting with Conflicting Worldviews

What do you do when parents have worldviews that collide? Is your spouse not a believer and you're trying to teach your child that there is one true worldview? In this episode, Elizabeth Urbanowicz explores how to approach this dynamic within your home.

Reasoning with an Emotionally Driven Child

In this episode, Elizabeth Urbanowicz explores how to reason for the faith with a child who tends to be driven by their emotions or feelings. We'll look at helping them understand the concept of truth, how to discern it, and ultimately checking if their emotions or feelings towards something aligns with what is true.

Supporting Homosexual or Transgender Friends: A Biblical Perspective

How should we guide our children when they're wanting to know how they can be supportive of their friends who say they are homosexual or transgender? In this episode, Elizabeth Urbanowicz looks at this question from a biblical perspective to help define friendship, love, and acceptance.

God Made Me This Way: Justifying a Sinful Lifestyle

Today's question says, "Often in the media or in the mainstream world, we hear non-believers who latch onto this idea of the image of God and say, 'Well, I'm made in the image of God, so how can my lifestyle or any type of sin be wrong?' How do we talk to our kids about this?" Listen as Elizabeth Urbanowicz explores what it means to be created in God's image and our ability to sin.

Invite Others In Without Burning Out: The Introvert's Guide to Biblical Hospitality

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the thought of being hospitable as an introvert? Are you struggling to balance your need for alone time with biblical hospitality? This episode will provide helpful tips and strategies for practicing biblical hospitality without burning out. How can we create boundaries, set realistic expectations, and prioritize self-care while showing kindness to others?

Defining Words

In today's world, it can be hard to differentiate between what is true and what is false. With both sides using the same terms, how do we know who to trust? In this episode, Elizabeth Urbanowicz will provide insight into how to differentiate truth when both sides are using the same language.

Homeschool or Public School?

Do you believe Christians should favor homeschooling more than public school? In this video, Elizabeth Urbanowicz take an in-depth look into the debate between public and homeschooling, particularly from a Christian perspective. We explore the pros and cons of each option, as well as discuss what biblical principles should be taken into consideration when making such an important decision.