Foundation Insights Blog

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Christian Dating Advice for Your Kids

In this episode, Elizabeth Urbanowicz shares advice on how parents can help their children build a healthy, biblical foundation for dating. With solid advice and scripture-based insights, this episode will equip you with the tools needed to help your children have a proper perspective on dating. If you're a Christian parent of teens or soon to be, tune in for dating advice to help set your child up for success.

Best Place to Live for a Child's Spiritual Development

Searching for the best place to live for your child's spiritual development? With so many options of places where we could choose to raise the children that God has placed in our care, what should we be thinking about when it comes the location of where we're living? In this episode, Elizabeth Urbanowicz provides key points to consider as you wrestle with the location you are in and raising children to become spiritually mature disciples.

Raising Children from a Place of Fear

In this episode, Elizabeth Urbanowicz addresses the question about raising children from a place of fear. What is healthy vs unhealthy fear? Listen in for insight and encouragement as you disciple the children God has placed in your care.

How Should Kids Respond to False Ideas

We want our children to be able to recognize what is true and what is false. But how should our kids respond to a false idea when they recognize it? In this episode, Elizabeth Urbanowicz talks about how to guide our children to know when to appropriately respond to a false claim and how to do so.

My kids don't know if the Bible is true!

In this podcast episode, Elizabeth Urbanowicz helps parents guide their kids who don't believe in the Bible. If you're a parent in this situation, you may be wondering where these ideas are coming from and whether this skepticism is healthy, intellectual, or rebellious. How should the kids in your care feel after your conversation with them? What is a reasonable amount of evidence that parents need to provide their children that the Bible is true? By the end of the episode, you'll be equipped with the tools you need to help your kids articulate their questions, and understand your point of view, without sacrificing the relationship.

Which Parent Should Give the Sex Talk?

It's no secret that sexuality is a tough topic for parents to broach with their kids. After all, it's not something that most of us feel comfortable talking about. How do we talk to kids about sex and sexuality, and when's the right time to do so? In this episode, Elizabeth Urbanowicz answers the question, "Do you think it is more valuable for a dad to have talks about sexuality with a son or is either parent just as valuable?"

Are Christian Kid Shows Good for Teaching?

Shows like Superbook and VeggieTales can be entertaining for kids, but some parents wonder if they should be used as a teaching tool. Is "Christian media" good for teaching? In this episode, Elizabeth Urbanowicz provides Christian parents with a framework to evaluate the cartoons and shows their kids are consuming.

How to Teach Children to Treat Others As Image Bearers of God?

No matter what age, kids are bound to have questions about violence in the Bible. As a parent, it's important to be prepared to answer these questions in a way that is both honest and intentional. In this podcast, Elizabeth Urbanowicz will talk about how to address and talk to kids about violence in the scripture in a way that is developmentally appropriate and sensitive to their unique needs.

Talking to Kids about Violence in the Bible

No matter what age, kids are bound to have questions about violence in the Bible. As a parent, it's important to be prepared to answer these questions in a way that is both honest and intentional. In this podcast, Elizabeth Urbanowicz will talk about how to address and talk to kids about violence in the scripture in a way that is developmentally appropriate and sensitive to their unique needs.

The World is Changing. Are My Kids Prepared?

Struggling with fear and anxiety about how to best equip your children for a rapidly changing world? It's more important than ever to make sure our kids are prepared for the challenges they'll face. In this podcast episode, Elizabeth Urbanowicz explores how we can help our kids navigate differing beliefs and succeed from a biblical perspective. Learn how to prepare your kids for a bright future grounded in the gospel and the body of Christ.

Are There Better Bible Translations for Kids?

There are many different Bible translations available, but which one is the best for kids? And how can you help prepare them to read and study the Bible on their own? This episode will answer those questions and more, giving you the tools you need to help your kids grow in their faith.

How to Teach Your Kids About the Body of Christ

How do we explain and help our children engage with the Body of Christ? In this video, we explore how to talk to our kids about the Church and what it means to be a part of it. We also offer some practical tips for helping them understand and connect with other believers.

Quality Christian Literature for Kids

To what extent would you suggest filtering what children read? I want my students to read quality literature, and there's not a lot of good Christian lit for kids if you don't want to compromise quality. So when I'm making mainstream books available for them, what is good and what is bad?