Foundation Insights Blog

Our Insights Help with Tough Decisions and Conversations

Equipping parents and teachers with Christ-like answers for challenging questions. Looking for a specific topic? Click the drop-down box to explore more blogs.

Loving Others Without Affirming Sin

In this episode, we dive into the challenging question: how can we teach our children to love others as image-bearers of God while recognizing sin without condoning it? Elizabeth Urbanowicz explores how to balance grace and truth, offering biblical insights to help parents guide their children through this delicate issue. Tune in to learn practical ways to train your children in love, discernment, and understanding the truth of God's Word.

Addressing the Harmful Impact of the Orange Curriculum: Why Orange Curriculum Is Bad (Part 2)

In this episode, we tackle how to approach church leadership when they don’t understand the harm of the Orange curriculum. Learn how to address these concerns while maintaining unity in the church and ensure your kids are being discipled biblically, even when your church uses materials that misinterpret Scripture. Tune in for practical advice on navigating this sensitive issue with grace and conviction.

Explaining Complacent Christianity to Children

In this episode, we dive into how to explain complacent Christianity to your children—addressing love of wealth, lack of hospitality, and more. Learn how to guide your kids toward a biblical understanding of what a faithful Christian life should look like, even when those around them in the church may not reflect it. Tune in for practical advice on helping your children recognize and embrace true Christian living.

Talking to Older Kids About Sex

Today's podcast question says, "When talking to parents of older kids who have not yet talked to their kids about God's good design for sex, what advice would you give them?"

Aging Gracefully: Teaching Kids About Beauty and God’s Design

In this episode, we tackle a challenging question: "Is aging part of God's original design, and is using Botox wrong?" Join us as we explore what the Bible says about aging, beauty, and how to guide children in thinking biblically about these topics. Discover how to address your child's questions about makeup, Botox, and more, while modeling a Christ-centered approach to aging well.

Helping Kids Think Biblically About Elections

In this episode of the Foundation Worldview Podcast, we explore how to help children think biblically during election season. Host Elizabeth Urbanowicz delves into what the Bible says about government and offers practical ways to apply these principles to guide your kids through any election. Whether you're navigating the current presidential election or preparing for future ones, this episode provides timeless insights to equip your children with a strong biblical perspective.

Helping Kids Discover Their God-Given Purpose

In today's episode, we tackle the question: "What is my primary purpose?" Learn how to guide your child biblically in finding their identity and understanding their God-given purpose in a culture that promotes self-creation. Join Elizabeth Urbanowicz as she dives deep into equipping children with a solid foundation in the truth of the biblical worldview.

Social & Emotional Learning (SEL): Is It Good for Kids?

In today's podcast, we look at the popular Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) curriculum that is rising in public and even private Christian schools. What is it? Is it biblical? And is it something our children should be involved in? Tune in for an in-depth look at Social and Emotional Learning.

Building Christ-Centered Confidence in Kids

In this episode, we explore how to build your child's confidence in a Christ-centered way. Discover practical steps to ground your child's self-worth in Scripture, reflect God's unconditional love, and guide them to focus on others rather than themselves. Join us for insightful advice on raising confident, faith-filled kids.

Explaining Words Like ‘Hot’ & ‘Sexy’ to Kids: A Biblical Perspective

Today's podcast question says, "How can I explain to my 8-year-old the words/concepts of "hot" and "sexy" in the framework of God's good gift of sex without introducing perversion?"

Talking to Kids About Crushes: A Biblical Approach

In today's episode, we address a parent's concern about handling their nine-year-old daughter's first crush. How should you discuss godly relationships without pushing your child away? Join us as we explore effective ways to talk about young crushes, fostering open communication and guiding your child with biblical wisdom.

Sports on Sundays? When Sports Clash with Church

Today's question says, "How do we deal with sports on Sunday mornings? I have all sons, and baseball is a fun thing, but many tournaments are on Sunday mornings. How do we practically walk through being committed to a team, but keeping commitments to God first. Are a few Sundays out of the year okay?"

Non-Christian Playdates?

In this episode, we tackle a listener's question on play dates at non-Christian homes and concerns about worldly exposure. We discuss balancing exposure with wisdom, the importance of biblical hospitality, and how to ground children in the biblical worldview. Join us for practical advice on navigating these situations with faith and discernment.

Choosing Colleges: A Christian Parent Guide

Today's podcast question says, "Hi Elizabeth. I'd love some guidance regarding choosing colleges for my kids. Such as what to look for, pros and cons of Christian and secular, how to evaluate Christian universities, et cetera, if our goal is for excellent education and building a solid biblical worldview."

The Right Age for 'The Talk'

Today's podcast question says, "What is the right age to talk to my children about sex and the truth on the topic of how babies are born? I do not want my children to find out from others."

Preparing Kids for Gender Ideology in Today's World

In today's podcast, we discuss how Christian adults can combat the pervasive gender ideology affecting our children. We'll explore strategies for preparing kids to face this ideology, which is prevalent in many aspects of our world. Join us as we provide practical insights to help guide children in understanding and upholding biblical truths about gender and sexuality.

Explaining Homosexuality to Kids: A Biblical Approach

In this episode, we address how to talk to kids about homosexuality, especially when someone close to them is living this lifestyle. We discuss explaining God's design for gender and marriage, recognizing deviations, and teaching kids to respond with truth and love. Join us for practical insights on guiding your children through these important conversations.

Raising Honest Kids: Tackling the Temptation to Lie

In this episode, we address the question of how to explain the importance of honesty to children. We explore practical, biblically grounded strategies to help kids understand why telling the truth matters, even when it's hard. Join us as we dive into effective ways to teach the value of honesty, fostering integrity in young hearts despite the temptation to lie.